cabinet plans

ANC Sets 5 PM Sunday Deadline for DA to Agree on New Cabinet Proposals Amid Ongoing Stalemate

Sources within the African National Congress (ANC) have revealed that the party has issued a 5 PM Sunday deadline for the Democratic Alliance (DA) to accept new cabinet proposals.

This ultimatum follows protracted negotiations between the two parties as they strive to finalize the composition of the Government of National Unity (GNU).

DA’s Demands and ANC’s Counteroffer

Initially, the DA demanded seven ministerial positions, including key portfolios such as Water and Sanitation, Communications, Minerals and Energy, Education, Public Service and Administration, and Health.

The DA also sought the appointment of John Steenhuisen as Deputy President. However, extensive negotiations have led to a reduction in the DA’s demands to five ministerial positions.

A senior ANC source commented on the situation, stating,

“The ANC has made it clear that we are willing to compromise, but we cannot accede to all of the DA’s demands. We have counter-offered with five ministries and believe this is a fair arrangement.”

Potential Cabinet Expansion

Sources indicate that President Cyril Ramaphosa is contemplating expanding his cabinet to accommodate GNU partners, potentially offering deputy minister roles to smaller parties.

An ANC insider added, “There is a possibility of expanding the cabinet to ensure all partners are adequately accommodated.”

Background of Tension

The negotiations come against the backdrop of rising tension between the ANC and DA over the past two weeks.

A public spat between Helen Zille, the DA’s Federal Chairperson, and ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula has further strained relations.

The disagreement centers on the interpretation of the GNU’s statement of intent, with Zille accusing Mbalula of misreading the agreement before signing it.

Adding to the strained relations are two high-profile racial incidents involving DA Members of Parliament, which have sparked outrage and further polarized the fragile relationship between the two parties.

Upcoming Announcement

President Ramaphosa is expected to announce his cabinet on Sunday (today) or, at the latest, on Monday.

This announcement will be a significant test for the Government of National Unity and its ability to maintain cohesion amid diverse political interests.

More on This Story

  • With 10 parties signed up for the GNU, the ANC says the first phase for parties to join is now concluded.
  • The appointment of the cabinet will be a significant test for the Government of National Unity.
  • RISE Mzansi becomes the ninth party to join the Government of National Unity.
  • ‘The GNU will not collapse’: An academic says the grand coalition of parties can’t afford to fail.
  • IOL and Independent Media condemn threats against journalists, editors, and Dr. Iqbal Survé over the Renaldo Gouws story.

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