man-vehicle-bakkie-hijacked-stripped folweni

Folweni Resident’s Morning Routine Shattered by Terrifying Hijacking

A routine morning for a resident of Folweni, south of Durban, took a terrifying turn when armed suspects seized him alongside his Toyota Hilux last Tuesday. The victim was forcibly taken to the KwaFakazi area, where he endured a traumatic ordeal.

According to reports from ET Rapid Response and Matrix, the security teams launched a swift response upon receiving intel about suspects stripping a Toyota Hilux.

As they approached the scene, the suspects fled into dense bushland. The victim was discovered tied to the vehicle’s bin and, fortunately, rescued before further harm could occur.

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The Toyota Hilux, however, had already been extensively stripped within a remarkably short span of time.

Law enforcement authorities were promptly notified and assumed control of the scene. The incident underscores the persistent threat of vehicle hijackings in South Africa, particularly involving sought-after models like the Toyota Hilux.

Lieutenant-Colonel Mavela Masondo highlighted the alarming trend of vehicle hijackings driven by demand on the black market.

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Approximately 30% of stolen vehicles are trafficked across borders, notably into neighboring countries like Mozambique, contributing to an annual estimated loss of R4.9 billion in vehicle value.

As investigations into the Folweni hijacking continue, authorities emphasize the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement and community members to curb such crimes.

The safety of citizens remains paramount amid ongoing challenges posed by organized vehicle crime networks.

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