Shootings in Folweni Township: A Community in Crisis

Folweni Township, South Africa – Three weeks ago, more than ten young boys, aged between 12 and 20, were fatally shot in Folweni Township.

The tragic event took place at the corner house store in the C section of Folweni and has been attributed to a violent dispute between rival drug lords fighting for territory.

The young victims died on the spot, leaving the community in shock and mourning.

Among the deceased was Ntuthuko Mhlongo, whose untimely death has highlighted the severe impact of the ongoing drug-related violence in the area.

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Community members and local leaders are pointing fingers and placing blame, with some accusing fellow residents of exploiting young children by involving them in the drug trade.

This exploitative practice has made the youth vulnerable to dangerous and often deadly disputes between drug factions.

School principals in Folweni have been expelling students for minor offenses, which many believe contributes to the problem.

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These expelled children often find themselves roaming the streets, becoming easy targets for drug dealers who recruit them into their operations.

Folweni has increasingly become a dangerous place to live. Gunshots are frequently heard, particularly at night, instilling fear in the hearts of residents.

The community is now accustomed to weekend shootings and the heartbreaking regularity of funerals for young victims of this violence.

One grieving mother, who lost her son in the shooting, expressed her anguish:

“I lost my beloved son whom I cherished so much. I was hoping for the best from him, that one day he would be a father and have his own family. Our children are dying very young. The question is, whose son is going to die next?”

Parents in Folweni are living in constant fear, reluctant to report crimes to the authorities.

Many believe that speaking out could bring retaliation from the dangerous individuals responsible for the violence, putting their own lives and the lives of their family members at risk.

This tragic event underscores the urgent need for intervention in Folweni Township.

Community leaders, law enforcement, and government officials must come together to address the root causes of this violence and work towards creating a safer environment for the residents, especially the youth who are most vulnerable to falling into the clutches of drug-related crime.

As Folweni mourns the loss of its young boys, the community hopes for justice and a brighter, safer future free from the grip of drug-related violence.

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