Ncumisa Selani

Three Life Terms for Ncumisa Selani Who Killed Her 2 Lovers and Child in Chilling Crime Spree

Ncumisa Selani was sentenced by the court to three life terms for the gruesome murders of her child and two lovers. 

Ncumisa Selani was in a relationship with Michael Tshangisa from the Eastern Cape, but they lived together in Olievenhoutbosch, Centurion.

Upon discovering that she was HIV positive, Ncumisa suspected Michael of infecting her.

In a fit of rage, she waited until he was asleep and then bludgeoned him to death with a hammer in front of her three children.

After the murder, she asked her eldest child, 17-year-old Avile Jongwa, to help her dispose of the body.

They buried Michael’s body in the yard.

When neighbors inquired about Michael’s whereabouts, she lied, saying he had returned to the Eastern Cape.

Ncumisa then moved in with another lover, Gift Phiri. However, their relationship also turned violent.

After a fight, she poisoned Gift’s food, and once he became too weak to defend himself, she drowned him in a water barrel. Later that evening, she buried Gift’s body in the same grave as Michael Tshangisa.

In 2018, her son, under the influence of drugs, threatened to expose her if she didn’t give him money.

Fearing he would go to the police, she tried to kill him with a hammer.

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When that failed, she enlisted the help of her 14-year-old daughter to fetch a large rock. Together, they finished the job and buried him with her two lovers.

Throughout these horrific acts, her children were forced to witness the brutal murders, including a young daughter.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) launched an investigation after receiving a tip-off about the bodies buried in Ncumisa’s yard.

After exhuming the remains, they were able to piece together the gruesome events that led to the deaths of her 2 lovers and child.

The court found Ncumisa Selani guilty of three counts of murder and sentenced her to three life terms.

The judge condemned her actions as monstrous, highlighting the betrayal and trauma inflicted on her surviving children.

This case has shocked the community and raised awareness about the signs of domestic violence and the importance of reporting suspicious activities to the authorities.

The SAPS has urged anyone with additional information to come forward to ensure that justice is served fully.

For further updates and detailed coverage on this case and other breaking news, stay tuned to our platform.


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