Zimbabwean man accused for double murder

Watch Video: SAPS Confirms Zimbabwean Man Not Linked to Sasko Truck Workers’ Murders

No Arrests in Double Murder Case

A 28-year-old Zimbabwean man arrested in Beaufort-West this week is not a suspect in the recent Delft double murder case, police confirm.

The man, detained for being undocumented, was initially speculated to be involved in the brutal killing of a bakery delivery truck driver and his passenger.

The killings, which took place in Delft, Cape Town, were captured on a dashcam, shocking the nation.

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Despite the viral spread of the suspect’s image on social media, police spokesperson Sgt. Bilqis Poole clarified that he is not linked to the murders of the two Sasko employees.

“The 28-year-old Zimbabwean national arrested in Beaufort-West on May 22 as an undocumented person is not a suspect in the Delft double murder,” said Poole.

Police emphasized that no arrests have been made in the double murder case.

The murder of the two bakery workers drew widespread attention when the video of their assassination was leaked online.

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The footage shows the terrifying moments as the driver and his co-workers were attacked by gunmen who approached their truck.

The driver, seen trying to surrender, was ultimately killed along with one of his passengers. The third passenger survived the shooting.

Authorities are urging anyone with information about the incident to contact Crime Stop at 08600 10111.

watch video here: http://



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  1. […] Read: Watch Video: SAPS Confirms Zimbabwean Man Not Linked to Sasko Truck Workers’ Murders […]

  2. […] read: Watch Video: SAPS Confirms Zimbabwean Man Not Linked to Sasko Truck Workers’ Murders […]

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