white toyota etios

Young Men Robbing Residents in White Toyota Etios in Montclair, Durban KZN

Montclair, Durban KZN – A surge in robberies by young men driving a white Toyota Etios without a rear bumper plate has left the Montclair community on edge.

These perpetrators, targeting people returning from the shopping mall, have been brazenly stealing wallets, cash, phones, and groceries. They also target people who are requesting e-hailing rides.

In a recent incident, a woman on her way to work was robbed while waiting for an e-hailing ride. The victim, who works at the Shell garage on Wood Road near the SAPS station, recounted her ordeal.

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“I was waiting for my ride when a white Toyota Etios pulled up. They took everything from me before my ride could arrive,” she said, still shaken by the event.

Another victim, a mother who had just bought clothes and a school uniform for her child, was targeted as she left the mall via Montclair Road.

“The car stopped, and they took everything, including my phone and the uniform. It was terrifying,” she shared, adding that the car had no number plate at the back.

A young girl was also robbed after purchasing a Bluetooth speaker for her birthday.

“I was so excited about my new speaker, but on my way back, the white Etios stopped, and they took it along with my phone,” she said. “I noticed the car had no rear number plate.”

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These incidents have left the Montclair community feeling unsafe and frustrated.

“We are now vigilant because we want to catch these boys. They are terrorizing our area, and we no longer feel safe,” said a concerned resident.

Despite the growing number of incidents, the SAPS Montclair station has yet to issue a statement. Efforts to reach them for comment were unsuccessful.

One of the biggest concerns is the reluctance of many victims to report the crimes.

“We see the Etios being stopped by SAPS because of the missing number plate, but they are let go immediately,” a resident remarked. “Our police seem more interested in money than in doing their jobs.”

The Montclair community is urging authorities to take swift action to address the rising crime and restore a sense of security in the area.

Residents are encouraged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity or sightings of the white Toyota Etios to the local authorities.

It’s crucial to keep the community informed and work together to put an end to these robberies.

By maintaining vigilance and community cooperation, Montclair hopes to see a decrease in these unsettling incidents and a return to a sense of safety and security.

If you have been a victim or have any information, please contact the SAPS Montclair station. Your vigilance could make a significant difference in protecting your community.


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